Friday, January 5, 2024

Contract End

I hope everyone had a magical holiday and that the new year is off to a good start!

My new year started with a big change. I recently ended my contract with my New York publisher. I've thought about doing this for a while. Three books were due for renewal in June, and I decided to request my complete title list be returned. 

Why did I do this? A couple of reasons pushed my decision to end my contract with this publisher.

The company has grown, which is good, but the professionalism has declined. Let me add that this is not from all the staff. My editor has always been great to work. I wouldn't have worked with anyone other than her. The vice president was also great to work with. She helped with publishing a few of my books and made ending my contract seamless. I've always been professional, so I won't point fingers. I'll just say, the ten years I've been with them have been good, but it's time for a change.

As well, due to a health issue, I'm retiring from writing full length novels. However, this does not mean I'm done with writing. I still have stories in my head and I'll find some way to get them out. I mentioned in a previous post that I am pondering ideas and doing research. So you haven't heard the last of my stories.

If you've been wanting to grab one of my books in eBook or print and haven't yet - what have you been waiting for? lol - be sure to place your order soon as they will only be available for a short time.

I plan to keep my book info on my website, but I have to remove the covers as they are property of the publisher. I might make temporary covers, or I might wait until I know what I'm doing with these stories.

This is my first big step in the new year and I'm happy with my decision and ready to move forward with my stories and writing.


  1. Enjoyed many of your stories and blog posts, new adventures are exciting, best of luck in yours!

    1. Thank you, Gini! As we grow older our priorities change paths. Here's hoping for fun and new adventures for us both in 2024.
