Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Am I Crazy?

Seriously, am I crazy?

A few weeks ago, I redesigned new book covers for my library of books, and I liked them, but did I really?

This past weekend, I redesigned (again) my book covers, because I wasn't overly happy with some of the 'couples' on the covers. So...I decided to remove the couples. However, for most covers, I used the bottom photo which holds a connection to the story.

Am I happy now? I am...almost. Lol.

The banners above show the before and after. I need to tweak a couple of them to add an element. For example, Hershey's Choice and A Risk Worth Taking have dogs included on the cover as they are important to the stories.

Under The Apple Blossoms went from this...
To this...
That cover received a total redesign, and I love this new cover!

Hopefully, I'll decide on the final designs by the time each book is ready to be republished. Fingers crossed.

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