Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Time Flies

Where does the time go?

My to-do list had 'post new book covers on blog' but that note was completely missed last week, and now it's already Wednesday of a new week.

I do have a few good reasons for not posting last week. I started a new writing project...a murder mystery. I got out a new notepad and made several notes on characters and scenes. Then, I started writing. In some of my books, there is a cozy mystery that takes place within the romance, but this project is 'out of the box' for me. However, I am really enjoying writing a completely different genre. My goal is to have it completed before the end of the summer.

We also did a big yard renovation. My husband said it was going to be a lot of work so he contacted a company back in February to get on their schedule for March. Well March came and went, and so did April and most of May. The company kept extending the date. Once prime season arrived, they were busier with the 30-40k projects and ours became unimportant. We got tired of being pushed aside and canceled. My husband contacted his brother to have gravel delivered, and then he and my daughter's boyfriend did the work.

Here's the before...
And after...
You might ask why we removed the grass. Well, it was a small patch that never grew well and was brown by mid-summer. It was also mucky in the spring. AND, the dogs kept eating the grass and dirt!
Though it might not look a lot different or look like a big project, it was a lot of work lifting 2'x2' patio stones and leveling them. Not to mention the work to remove the grass, which we recycled to another spot on the property.

I am beyond happy with the transformation. The yard feels so much larger. The new patio is my private hideaway. It's now where I spend most of my time. We don't have any plans for vacation this year. We decided on a stay-cation, so we're treating ourselves to a swing. I can't wait!

Time sure flies these days, and I wish I could slow it down just a bit...and maybe then I'd get those new book covers posted, lol.

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