Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sick and Other Stuff

I haven't caught a cold in quite some time, but when my husband brought home a cold he caught at work, the germs seemed to attach to me instantly. A few days later, my daughter caught those germs as well. It is very rare for all three of us to be sick at the same time. A week later, we're still fighting off the illness because it's hard for one to get better while the other two are blowing their nose and coughing. To quote my daughter's Walking Dead,hat...We're All Infected...

In Other Stuff...
Edits on Winter's Kiss are done. I'm now patiently waiting for a glimpse at the cover.

I didn't get any new writing on the third book in my Redford Falls series last week, but I did make a major change to the book. I don't share the titles of the books I'm writing until they receive a contract offer, so the title of my third book is currently only shared with my beta group. Recently, I saw an author friend who released a book with the same title! I know many books have the same title, but I want mine to stand out. After much thought, nothing grabbed my attention for a new title. Then, inspiration hit while riding my bike a week ago! I came up with a new title for book three! And it's better than the original title! Now, I just need to finish writing the book, submit it to my managing editor, and receive a contract offer. Once all that is done, I can share the title with you :)

What's New...
I designed a temporary web site! Check it out and let me know your thoughts. http://darlenefredette.blogspot.com/

Until next time...take care.

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