Friday, November 3, 2017

Writing Again

Wow, I hadn't realized over a week had passed since my last post. It's no secret I've been in a writing slump. I haven't written a new word since June. I've been waiting on a response on a manuscript I submitted nine months ago. I did hear back about four months ago with a request of revisions, which I completed and returned. I then waited again. I stopped writing because my current WIP is the fourth book in a series, and the third was in limbo with the publisher. I didn't see the point of writing book four, if three got rejected.

After a few more months of waiting, I decided to return to book four and deal with the consequences of book three when the outcome arrived. Well, just as I started back into four, I received a response on book three. Needless to say, the wind was completely blown from my 'writing' sails. The managing editor didn't reject the book, but she didn't offer a contract either. She requested more emotion. I disagreed with a comment she made where she said she felt I didn't know my characters. That is so not correct. I know each and every character in this series. I am part of this town and the people.

My writing boost was crushed. I shut down the computer and I didn't open the screen for a few days. The sofa, my blanket, a book, and a warm cup of hot chocolate were the escape I needed.
Over the weekend, I thought about what I could do to up the emotion in this story. I considered the possibility that maybe I was focused more on the plot than the emotion.

So after a few days of sulking and thinking, I put on my big girl pants and decided to try again. I know what needs to be reworked in this story, and I'm ready to get going. Last week, I reviewed chapter one and made a few changes before sending it to my beta group. I now have a solid opening. Today, I reviewed chapter two and made more changes. I am on the right path and I feel good about the progress so far.
Book four patiently waits my return while I get emotionally involved in book three. In the end, I'm certain the outcome will strengthen both books.


  1. Wow that was a lot to take in for anybody. I can see why you would be disheartened, but you are a terrific author and I know you will meet this challenge. Hang in there and show them they can't keep a good woman down.

    1. Thank you, Gini. As writers we have to be thick-skinned. We have to be able to take the bad with the good, and hopefully the good days out-weigh the bad :)

  2. I think that's the definition of a serious and talented writer - to not give up after setbacks, and to learn fromfeedback and be able to apply it. Best of luck with the rewrites, I'm in the process of doing this myself, after feedback from my crit group. Hard work but so worth it. I'm sure you'll succeed with this!

    1. Thank you, Lyn. Set backs can be rough and very discouraging, but writers needs to be strong and shrug off the negativity that sits on their shoulders. I'm still working on that, lol! But I'm doing good with the rewrite and staying positive. Good luck with your edits!
