Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Setting Goals for the New Year

Setting Goals for the New Year 
By Kelli A. Wilkins 


It’s January, and almost everyone is talking about making changes and setting goals for the new year. And why not? We have brand-new calendars hanging on our walls filled with unexplored months yet to come. Every day brings hope, possibilities, and opportunities to make this year really great.

But do you find yourself gazing at your calendar and wondering, “How is it 2024? Where did last year go? I had all those plans…”

If so, don’t stress out. It’s perfectly fine to look back at what you achieved last year—then start thinking about your goals and plans for this year. Where do you begin?

First, set aside an hour or two to think about what you want to accomplish in the next few weeks and months. Identifying your goals and setting reasonable action steps now will help you get on target. But don’t take on too many things at once. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself. List your top 3 to 5 goals for the first half of the year.

When you write down your goals, begin your sentences with a specific, positive statement, such as: “I will (goal) by (date).” Then decide how you’re going to do it. Keep in mind that a goal has a specific endpoint and a defined set of results. If you have reached your goal, you’ll know it.

For instance, if your goal is to paint the living room by February 1, you have an end date (February 1) and you will be able to see your results (the room will be a different color). Next, make a list of what you need to do to get started, such as choosing a paint color, buying supplies, and clearing the room. Having a plan/roadmap will help you chart your progress and stay on track.

It’s best to work on goals in small steps. Spend an hour (or two, tops) on one project a day, or even once a week, depending on your schedule. Don’t go overboard and expect instantaneous results—everything takes time.

When I want to get organized/clear out stuff (usually in the spring and fall) I go through the house room by room, wall by wall. I pick a room, then focus on one wall per day.

For example, my guest room has a computer desk and dresser on one wall. I start by taking everything off the desk and start sorting: I keep only what I need on the desk and make piles to file or recycle. Then I polish the desk and move on to the dresser. I clear off the top, go through the drawers, and keep what I truly need/want/love, and get rid of the rest. I repeat this process as I go around the room, then I tackle the other rooms in the house the same way.

January is also the perfect time to let go of things that no longer serve you, such as clutter, bad habits, old clothes, or worn-out relationships. Simplify as much as you can, and you will make room for new opportunities and new events in your life.

Cheers to 2024! Let’s make the most of it!
Kelli A. Wilkins

Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 100 short stories, 20+ romance novels, and 6 mystery/horror ebooks. Her romances span many genres and settings, and she likes to scare readers with her horror and mystery stories. She released The Route 9 Killer, a mystery/thriller set in Central NJ, in 2023. Visit her website www.KelliWilkins.com for a full title list and social media links.


  1. Kelli, thank you for being my guest today and for sharing your goal setting tips!

  2. Hi, Kelli: enjoyed your post. like the idea of small steps toward a larger goal. Also sounds important to recognize what WAS accomplished in the prior year. Happy New Year.

  3. Hi! Glad you enjoyed the post. Hope my tips and advice were helpful. Enjoy 2024! - Kelli
